We have designed and developed a small business website for a fitness equipment specialist. Howard G Davies Associates are a health and safety consultancy for health and fitness equipment. The site is a pretty simplistic brochure which we designed and developed, it also has basic search engine optimisation for keyword like fitness equipment safety consultants and exercise equipment safety consultants etc.

You can see the website here.. Fitness Equipment Safety Specialists

We have just designed and developed a new website for the 1st Stop Driving School, a driving instructor company based in Cardiff, South Wales. This driving instructor had previously taught one of our developers (Rory) to drive and he successfully passed first time; and is now teaching Jason's oldest son to drive.. good luck Andrew! Our first hand experience of the company is great and they have proven that as far as driving instructors go they are among the best in the country. If you are learning to drive, or you know someone who want to learn to drive then we would thoroughly recommend this driving school, especially if you are local to Cardiff. Take a look at the website..

Driving Instructor in Cardiff.

The South East Wales IPG tasked us with creating a new website for their group. The website had to be easy to update in terms on notices, announcements and meeting updates; we accomplished this with a simple brochure site with 3 separate integrated blogs, which makes the updates very simple and quick to manage.

The SEWIPG website can be viewed here.. South East Wales IPG.

We have just developed and released a new website for the Freeda group, who now own a fleet of ecommerce website solutions developed by Designer Websites Ltd. This website sells a wide range of corporate branded clothing including polo shirts, t-shirts, shirts, aprons, work wear etc. We designed a great looking website to match the existing corporate branding and we also developed a fantastically slick website to make the purchasing of corporate branded clothing smooth and very very quick.

The website is highly optimised for the search engines and we expect it to do very well in the few months.

We highly recommend purchasing your branded clothing from these guys.. Corporate Branded Clothing by Freeda.

We have just launched a new transport jobs website for a haulage specialist in the UK. The client approached us with the requirement to create a sophisticated transport jobs website that effectively creates and promotes a community of haulage companies online. The 'community' can share transport jobs and advertise empty vehicles, which helps to make haulage companies more efficient and more profitable.

The website allows haulage companies to join, create a profile and upload empty vehicles or transport jobs. The administrator of the website then has control over website content, ports, user accounts etc.

It's a very clever system and provides a fantastic service to the haulage industry, hence the name Container Community is very apt.

If you are a UK haulage company and want to become more efficient and profitable then we thoroughly recommend 'Container Community'.