One of the best things about working at Designer Websites is collaborating with clients from a wide range of industries. We were recently approached by an exciting new company that specialises in professional golf balls - gimmeballs. More...
In simple terms, link building is the process of getting other websites to link back to your website.
These links are also called backlinks. When your website accumulates high quality backlinks, they can drive referral traffic to your website and increase your website's authority. This gives your website an increased opportunity to rank for competitive keywords in the SERP. It is a very valuable SEO tactic that pays off in many ways.

Spending time optimising your on-page SEO can help you rank higher in Google's search results, drive more traffic to your website, provide a better user experience & ultimately - encourage more people to convert! But what is "on-page SEO" and how can you use it to help your website perform better? We spoke to our team of SEO experts to find out. So, if you want to start making some noticeable improvements to your on-page SEO, just keep reading.

Christmas is almost here, and amongst the last-minute gift shopping, you might also be wondering what steps you should be taking to prepare your business for the Christmas shutdown.
When it comes to running an ecommerce site at Christmas, it’s so important to prepare ahead of time to make sure that you and your team are ready. You can do this by taking steps to ensure that your customers aren’t left feeling disappointed.

Search engines receive billions of queries every day. SEO – or Search Engine Optimisation – is the process of driving traffic to a website by optimising its contents for a search engine.
When curating optimised content for your website, it’s important to make sure that your content is readable by both humans and search engines – they key to great SEO is finding that balance.