The human brain is able to process images 60,000 times faster than words. Due to this, most businesses choose to have a logo that represents their business. Also, logos are easy to remember and quite nice to look at, too!
Designing a logo is no easy task - it is the visual embodiment of your entire business. So, to make the logo designing process easier, we've put together 6 Principles of Logo Design that will help you design an original and effective logo...

First impressions matter, and if your website doesn't reflect the aims and values of your business, it's likely to put off any potential customers who discover you online.
There are several reasons why you might want a new website. For example...

Firstly: what is a landing page? The definition of a landing page is the web page a user 'lands' on after clicking a link to your business. Whether the link appeared in an advert, a marketing email, or the Google search results, that landing page is very important because it contributes enormously to the user's first impression of you.

Little Cherubs is a well-established day nursery located in Cardiff, dedicated to giving young children a safe and secure space to build their self-esteem, and develop warm and positive relationships. A long-term client of Designer Websites, we designed their initial brochure website way back in 2011.