Entertain-ment website

Entertain-ment supply all sorts of entertainment packages for events throughout the UK. They specialise in hen and stag parties, and so you can probably imagine the sort of thing they're usually asked to provide!

Still, it's not all about strippers and dwarfs; Entertain-ment also provide a huge variety of other activities, ranging from the chilled-out (perfume making classes, relaxing massage sessions) to the utterly intense (salsa dancing workshops, dominatrix lessons, and the extremely challenging stag night boot camp!)

With such a wide range of services on offer, Entertain-ment needed a website that would appeal to all users, giving bridesmaids, best men, and everyone in between an easy way to put together the perfect party. To start with, we came up with a great-looking responsive design that would function well on screens of all sizes; the company wanted their new website to be accessible from smartphones and tablets as well as from desktop computers, and the finished site allows users to research ideas and make enquiries on-the-go.

The enquiry form was a crucial part of this project. Aside from the usual fields (name, location, telephone number, etc.), we included a 'Service Required' field that allows customers to specify up to 6 Entertain-ment services along with their enquiry. This feature gives the company a good idea of what each customer is looking for before they've even picked up the phone.

If you'd like to see the work we've done for Entertain-ment, visit www.entertain-ment.co.uk today.

PrimaPorcelain site screenshots 

Back in 2013, we created a website called PorcelainPaving.co.uk. Owned by outdoor specialists Greensquares, this site was specifically designed to show off the company's stylish range of porcelain tiles and paving slabs to potential customers.

PorcelainPaving.co.uk has proven extremely successful indeed, receiving a very healthy amount of traffic and allowing Greensquares to make these paving products a much larger element of their overall business. In fact, their porcelain range now has a brand name of its own: PrimaPorcelain.

Of course, a new brand calls for a new design, and we have recently been working hard to turn the old porcelain paving website into the new PrimaPorcelain website.

This doesn't just mean that we've been changing a few bits of text - the site has been given a complete overhaul, and PrimaPorcelain.co.uk now has an elegant responsive design and an intuitive new 'Product Selector' tool that allows customers to filter PrimaPorcelain's range (which has grown exponentially since 2013!) by colour, texture, and indoor/outdoor use.

The new PrimaPorcelain website is a big step up for the brand, and we hope that it will be even more successful now than it was in its old guise. Click here to visit PrimaPorcelain.co.uk.

Go-hydrate Website

As you're probably aware, it's very important to stay hydrated throughout the working day. Drinking lots of water keeps you active and alert; if you ever feel tired, headachy, or unable to concentrate at work, it could simply be because you aren't drinking enough water.

But what does this have to do with Designer Websites? Well, we've just completed work on www.go-hydrate.co.uk, a brochure website for a South Wales company called Go-hydrate. Go-hydrate specialise in mains-fed water dispensers (such as water coolers, drinking fountains, and hot water boilers), and as such, they know more than anybody about the dangers of dehydration. The new website even has an entire page dedicated to the benefits of staying hydrated!

Go-hydrate offer a wide range of products and services, all of which are geared towards keeping you and your workforce hydrated. They mainly provide plumbed-in dispensers that draw water directly from your building's main supply, but if this is not a viable option for you, they can also supply bottled water coolers to stave off your thirst. And their products aren't just for the office; if you want to install a water boiler or an undersink purification system in your own home, they can do that too!

The new Go-hydrate website is full of clear, concise information about the company and what they have to offer. If you want to stay better hydrated, we strongly recommend that you visit the Go-hydrate and use the enquiry system to get in touch!

Training Courses Bristol - Preview

Are you sick of your job? Are you longing to pack it in and try something completely different? If you answered 'yes' to either of those questions, you need Training Courses Bristol. They provide accredited training courses for students from all over the South West, and we recently completed their brand new website, making it easier than ever to enrol!

Upon arrival at the new TCB site, you will be presented with a variety of different training options - electrical courses, plumbing courses, and so on. This makes it nice and easy to drill right down to the field in which you're interested. Let's say, for example, that you're looking to become a professional gas engineer; you'd just click 'Gas Courses' on the homepage, select one of TCB's recommended courses, and fill in the contact form to enquire. It could scarcely be simpler!

Training Courses Bristol have helped innumerable people to change careers, and in spite of their name, they're not just for Bristolians - in fact, they cover all of South West England, from Cornwall and Devon to Hereford, Gloucester and beyond. They even have courses that allow experienced tradespeople to widen their skillsets, so whether you're a novice or a professional, we strongly recommend visiting trainingcoursesbristol.co.uk today.

Gadget Inspector screenshots 

We're always busy here at DW, but things have been particularly hectic over the past couple of weeks. We've been hard at work on a new, responsive design for the Gadget Inspector website, and we're pleased to announce that it's finally complete!

For the uninitiated, Gadget Inspector is an online gadget store that's been doing roaring trade for the past three years. These self-professed 'gadget enthusiasts' decided that their website was beginning to look a little bit dated, and so they come to us for help - after all, if you're selling cutting-edge gadgetry, you ought to have a cutting-edge website to go with it.

And that's exactly what we've provided: a cutting-edge website that's perfectly-suited to Gadget Inspector's weird and wonderful product range! The company's new site is packed with eye-catching lifestyle images, and each product page is packed with information about the relevant item. Oh, and the fully responsive design means that Gadget Inspector looks great now matter what device you're viewing it on!

We're biased, of course, but we really think that the new and improved gadgetinspector.co.uk is the perfect place to shop for gadgets and gifts (which is pretty handy, given that Christmas is just around the corner!)