banner reading a beginners guide to technical seo

Search engines receive billions of queries every day. SEO – or Search Engine Optimisation – is the process of driving traffic to a website by optimising its contents for a search engine.

When curating optimised content for your website, it’s important to make sure that your content is readable by both humans and search engines – they key to great SEO is finding that balance.


seo vs ppc

SEO and PPC are two different methods for driving traffic to your website. Search engine optimisation (SEO) focuses on organically improving your website's visibility on Google and other search engines, whereas pay-per-click (PPC) advertising platforms like Google Ads and Microsoft Ads allow you to pay for a prominent spot on the search engine results page (SERP).

Both SEO and PPC have their individual benefits, but depending on the context and your business needs, it may make sense to prioritise one over the other.


how long does seo take to work

The best things in life take time, and the rewards of search engine optimisation are no different. SEO is an incredibly effective long-term solution for capturing valuable organic traffic, but you won't always see results immediately. So, how long does SEO take to work?


what kind of content is best for seo blog title

SEO (Search Engine Optimised) content is specifically curated to rank highly within the SERP (Search Engine Results Page) in order to receive a high number of clicks. SEO content has many benefits when used correctly. For example, SEO content can attract backlinks from other websites that will increase your website's domain authority!

You can present SEO content in many different ways, so let's dive in and run through the different types and their individual benefits. What is the best content for SEO? Click the answers below to find out more...

  1. Evergreen pillar pages
  2. Lead capture / landing pages
  3. Photo / visual galleries
  4. Blog posts


seo for ecommerce

As a business owner, you've probably heard the term 'SEO' flying around...a lot. SEO is just one part of the puzzle that is Search Engine Marketing (SEM), but it is integral to your business's online success - especially if it's an ecommerce business.

In this blog, we will be giving you 10 SEO ecommerce tips to help you get ahead with SEO for ecommerce. Let's dive in...
