Screenshots of the new Headrush Europe website

Headrush Europe is a wholesale supplier of beer bongs, beer pong tables, and all kinds of other drinking accessories. They supply these items to loads of big-name retailers; you've probably heard of Hawkin's Bazaar, MenKind, and Gadget Inspector, and these are just some of the companies that stock Headrush products.

Why are we telling you this? Because Headrush Europe's new website has just gone live, and we're the people who created it! Since Headrush are wholesalers, not retailers, this site is somewhat different to our other ecommerce projects. In addition to the usual shopping basket/checkout functionality, we put together a nifty application form through which customers can register for a trade account. The trade account allows stockists to keep track of their purchase history and make regular bulk orders from Headrush without any faffing about.

We're pretty pleased with the new Headrush website; if you're interested to browse for yourself, head over to and check it out.

Screenshots of the new Iola NZ site

With responsive web design becoming more and more ubiquitous, you may have noticed that a lot of our client websites have been receiving the responsive makeover recently. We've already told you about Howells and TimberTech, and the design work that we did for both of those sites - well, Iola NZ is the latest website that we've made responsive.

Iola is a New Zealand-based outdoor furniture company. All of their products - chairs, tables, sun loungers, the lot - are hand-crafted by master weavers, and the furniture that they create is ideal for a cool, contemporary outdoor living space.

With this in mind, it was important to the people behind Iola NZ that their website should be as attractive and as modern-looking as possible. Hence the new responsive design; the revamped Iola website looks just as good and functions just as smoothly on phones and other mobile devices as it does on our desktop PCs.

Whether you view it on your laptop, your iPad, or your smartphone, we think you're going to love what we've done with the Iola NZ site. Check it out at

Our clients TimberTech are a garden decking expert company and thanks to the Designer Websites team, their website has just undergone a fancy responsive make-over! Their new website utilises the highest development technology and is completely responsive, offering a seamless transition across all platforms. 

TimberTech's highly-optimised website consistently performs well in the search engines and ranks impressively for related keywords, and now they have a snazzy responsive website to match! We're really pleased with TimberTech transition to a responsive site and think their extensive range of composite decking is now magnificently on display whether you're viewing it from a tablet, a laptop, a desktop computer or a mobile device.

A responsive design is the best way of ensuring your website is thoroughly user-friendly. If you'd like a responsive design for your website then get in touch with us for a quote now.

Pop on over to TimberTech's new website and see our latest responsive design in all its glory! 

Howells Legal website screenshots 

Howells Solicitors are one of our long-term customers - it's been a couple of years since we first worked on a website for them. The site we created back then was slick, stylish, and functional, but times do changes, and any businesses that want to stay successful and relevant need to change with them.

With this in mind, Howells asked us to give their website a responsive revamp. Responsive design (which ensures that your site looks good on any and all devices, 'responding' to the size of the screen you're using) is very much the 'in' thing right now, but it's far more than a mere fad. A massive slice of internet usage now occurs through smartphones and other mobile devices, and a responsive site ensures that you're attending to the needs of each and every segment of your audience. An old-fashioned site that was designed solely with desktop PCs in mind may well look rubbish when viewed on a phone, and if that's the case, it's bound to be a massive turn-off for your mobile visitors.

Not only is responsive design better for the customer - it's also better for search engines. Google now recommend responsive design as best practice, saying that such sites are far better for the ever-expanding mobile demographic. The guys at Howells knew all of this and, keen to please clients and search engines alike, they came to us and asked if we could update their site.

And, well, that's exactly what we did! We're pleased to announce that is now fully responsive, and we think that the site looks better than ever. If you need a responsive design for your website, pop over to our Quote Request page now.

Beer Bong UK screenshots

Another great new website went live last Friday - Beer Bong UK, home of all the beer bongs and drinking accessories you could ever ask for! We've been working on this site's design for a few weeks now, and we're pretty pleased with how it looks. is another responsive website, which means that it will look great and work smoothly no matter how you view it. Whether you prefer to use an iPhone, a tablet, or your trust desktop PC, we're fairly confident that you'll find this site an absolute treat!

So pop on over to now, and see what you make of our latest work. And try not to get too drunk...